We all love strawberries, don't we? Except for those few unfortunate souls who are allergic to them, serving this luscious fruit is always a hit.
Kids are particularly receptive to this little strange fruit who's seeds grow on the outside and not within. I can't make it past the strawberry display without my son for them.
And how can I refuse my child fruit when he is begging for it? Packed with more vitamin C than an orange, 8 strawberries have only 50 calories, no fat or cholesterol. According to the FDA, they are sodium free as well. Did you know that one serving of strawberries (8 medium) contain 20 percent of the RDA of folic acid. That is more per comparable serving than any other fruit.
What's folic acid used for in the body? It reduces the birth defects involving brain and nerve disorders in newborns, for one thing. That is why it is important for pregnant women to get folic acid in their diets. Also, it is needed for cell growth, aids in the formation of red blood cells and the production of antibodies. It is essential for RNA and DNA synthesis.
Strawberries are also good sources of potassium and dietary fiber. Fifty percent of this total dietary fiber is water-soluble pectin. Soluble fibers have been shown in clinical studies to reduce serum cholesterol levels and pectin combines with fats in the stomach helping to remove them from the body.
Most recipes calling for strawberries use them raw. And rightly so. Bursting with sweet juicyness, they turn a bit sour or bitter when cooked and most often sugar is needed to mellow out the final touch. To avoid unpleasant flavor, keep cooking times and heat to a minimum. Quickly broiled or seared enhances taste with sacrificing flavor.Apart from shortcake, kids love dipping these babies in sugar or whipped cream (or like my daughter, she by-passes the fruit and simply eats the whipped cream). A little naughtiness never hurts. This makes for a nice after-school snack or easy dessert.
Strawberries are now being added to savory salads adding new texture and flavor to old greens. This is a nouvelle cuisine technique. And worth trying if you like sweet and savory tossed together in a bowl of healthful goodness. One idea I like that I got from my sister-in-law (I've got 4 so guess which one!) is a spinach, almond slivers, dried chow mein noodles, grated cheese (preferably colby or Mimolette) and strawberry salad. Grilled chicken is a meaty welcome and a sweet and tangy dressing to finish.
I've included a recipe here for strawberry coulis (pronounced coo-lee). Blended until completely smooth, then strained and occasionally lightly sweetened a coulis is usually made from a fruit (though tomato coulis is common) and served over a dessert.
Topping pound cake, lemon cake or ice cream with a strawberry coulis is a tantalizing combination. Smooth and sweet, this is nature's gift to fine desserts. Silky poached pears or peaches and thick, rich custards transform into elegant desserts when garnished with a coulis. Top some fromage blanc or yogurt for a fast and sweet dessert.
Any berry works well for a coulis: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. But apricots for some reason make the most exquisite coulis. If your strawberries or peaches are looking bruised and sad, run them through the blender, sweeten if necessary and strain. And voila, you've made a coulis.
Sealed in freezer bags or airtight containers, coulis can be frozen for months. Now you can enjoy the fruits of summer over a bowl of vanilla ice cream dripping with strawberry coulis in the deep months of winter.
Basic Strawberry Coulis
A mix of berries or fruits can be used when making a coulis. This is just a basic recipe to give you something to work with. Fresh mint leaves can be added for extra flavor. Serve over any type cake (sponge, angel food, pound, lemon flavored, chocolate...) that tickles your fancy. Or over ice cream for a refreshing and invigorating dessert.
*1 pint/tray strawberries
*1-2 tablespoons sugar
*¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
A few mint fresh mint leaves
Remove hulls from strawberries. Place berries in blender and mint sprigs if using. Blend until smooth. Pass through fine sieve. Stir in vanilla if using and sugar to taste.
Will keep for 3-4 days in fridge or several months in freezer.
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