Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Packing a Healthy Lunch For Your Kids

Packing a healthy lunch is a pretty simple matter of learning how to balance your nutrition. If you have wondered what kind of foods you should be packing for your kids, this article will be a great help to you. After you have read the article you will better understand the correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and which types are the best for your kids' growing bodies.


Cookie For Kids

Food is generally grouped into 3 major categories, called macronutrients. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Our bodies need all 3 of these on a daily basis to maintain healthy energy levels and keep ourselves fit. When you pack meals for your kids, you should be aware of these general guidelines: Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for your child's body, providing energy to stay active and alert. You should aim for your lunch to contain 50 - 60% of the total calories in the form of carbs. Fats are important for growing bodies as well, and you should aim to include 25 - 35% of the total calories in the form of fats. Protein is important for repairing muscles and healthy development, and should make up 15 - 25% of your child's daily calories.


Despite the recent surge of low carb diet fads, carbohydrates are still a very important and healthy component to a developing child's diet. The main culprit giving carbs a bad name are simple sugars. Found in processed sweets and sodas, these are quickly absorbed by the body and can cause fluctuations in energy levels and lead to long term health problems. The best carbs for your kids are complex carbohydrates, such as starches. These are generally slower to absorb, so they have a lower impact on blood sugar levels. They are also often accompanied by healthy fiber, as they are generally found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes.


Fats have also been getting a bad rap since the 1980's, but many nutritionists think that we have gone overboard in controlling our fat intake. Fats are actually necessary for proper bodily development, aiding in the absorption of some vitamins and providing the building blocks for many hormones that your body needs. There are bad fats that can cause heart disease and cholesterol problems, and these are the ones that should be minimized when packing a lunch. Try to stay away from saturated fats, which come from animal products such as lard, butter, and cheese. Additionally, trans fats are an extremely unhealthy form of fat that is a result of commercially modifying oils to make them solid at room temperature. You can find trans fats in commercially produced snack foods like cakes and cookies, as well as margarine.


Make sure you include a good source of lean protein in your kiddo's lunch bag each day. You can go with the standard lunch meats such as turkey or ham, but keep an eye on the sodium levels and other preservatives. Tuna is a very healthy protein option when used in moderation, and if you prefer to avoid meat then legumes can also provide your child with a good source of valuable protein.

As you can see, making sure your packed lunches contain the right mixture of macronutrients is very important to keeping your children healthy. Make sure the majority of their calories come from carbs, a good amount of healthy fats, and enough protein to keep their bodies in good condition. In addition, try to avoid high sodium snacks, preservatives, and pack their sandwiches and snacks in resusable bags instead of plastic.

Packing a Healthy Lunch For Your Kids

ThreeLittleOnes is an online store selling natural products such as reusable sandwich bags that are not only good for moms and their kids, but also the environment. We believe in the products we sell because we use them at our homes and test them prior to making them available to you. For more information please visit


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